Sinopec Kantons Holdings Limited
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To meet the growing need for support in the coming commercial commencement of the Fujarah project in the Middle East and to build a highly effective team, Sinopec Kantons Holdings Limited (“Sinopec Kantons”) has introduced a one-month intensive operations training at Huade Petrochemical Co. Limited and Vesta Terminals. Apart from the staff members from Fujarah, related staff from Sinopec Kantons and its joint venture companies also attended the training.

This training program is a combination of terminals operations theories and management practices. On theoretical aspects, it aims at ensuring that the program introduces the core areas at the terminals including terminals equipment and facilities, pipelines and the systems. To ensure the quality and level of the training, the Company has invited an international expert with well-rounded and hands-on experience in top storage company to deliver the training program. The first stage of the training includes a 9.5-day, totaling 76 hours theoretical training aiming at in-depth courses on oil storage terminals operations including oil storage equipment and facilities, terminal process system, utility system and safety system. It also covers the international practices in inventory control, financial budgeting and terminal logistics and design consideration. The training program insists that safety is the Company priority. The training was well-received by the participants. Further, the Company will introduce the second stage, a 6.5 day totaling 52 hours training program, at Vesta to ensure that the theoretical training can be well applied to day-to-day operations.

Sinopec Kantons believes that people are its most valuable asset. Together with our competitive training system and corporate culture, it places great emphasis on staff training and development and offers ideal working environments. It puts on various training courses and seminars every year covering topics such as leadership, business strategy, safety standards, personal and skills development.

Sinopec Kantons Holdings Limited
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