Sinopec Kantons Holdings Limited
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Figure 1: Sinopec Kantons’employees actively participating in "Coastal Watch" beach clean-up activities

To promote corporate social responsibility, realizing environmentconservation concepts, on November 15th, 2014 (Saturday), the Company organized its employees to go to Discovery Bay, Lantau Island and, together with scientists and local residents, participate in the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) "Coastal Watch" program, aimed at contributingto a better environment in Hong Kong.

Figure 2: Organizers explainedin detail the basics of beach cleaning to everyone

The whole event lasted about five hours. First, the organizers explained the basics of safety guidelines, marine life differentiation, marine garbage classification, treatment, etc. Then the target area is divided into five portions, employees are divided into four groups: identification of microorganisms, identifying marine organisms, screening miniature garbage and so on.Through researching marine life and coastal garbage, employees collected a list of biological diversity, analyzed marine litter’s type, origin, distribution, quantity, etc., reportedthe findings to the relevant institutions for further analysis in order to formulate a long-term marine conservation plan. Through this activity, the staff realized that human generated garbage accounted for eighty percent of garbage coast.Everyone committed to reduce the use of plastic products in the future, to help reduce waste and preserve the ocean.

Figure 3: Organizers teaching employees how to differentiate marine life

Figure 4: Sinopec Kantonsemployees classifies garbagein accordance with instructions

Figure 5: Shocking beach garbage calls for immediate cleaning

"Coastal Watch" program is committed to promoting marine conservation and beach cleaning, utilizing scientific methods to analyze, protect, maintain, and test Hong Kong ecologically valuable marine habitat. The company plans to participate in the program again nextSpring.

Sinopec Kantons Holdings Limited
Copyright © Sinopec Kantons Holdings Limited 2013